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Lightning Work Concept Network

Software Use Agreement

In order to standardize the use of the network software, ensure network security and a good software use environment, prevent bad behavior and avoid disputes, this agreement is hereby formulated and must be jointly observed.

Note: In this agreement, the Lightning Work Concept Network is referred to as the network, the professional work software is referred to as the professional software or software, and the network and the software released by the network are referred to as the network software.


The website and the professional software released by the website are a "Internet+”Try.

This network is created by,controller,organizer,The publisher and the developer of the software released by this website.

We sincerely strive to provide you with quality software and services. However, based on the current situation of the Internet and conducive to the development of the network, it is required to prevent the occurrence of bad behaviors, avoid network risks, ensure network security, avoid disputes, and make friends with benign users. On the basis of mutual trust, it is required to provide and maintain a good software use environment for the majority of users. Users are required to exempt from all responsibilities of the network and assume all responsibilities by users. Therefore, you can choose not to use the software released by the website. If you start to use the software released by the website, such as "total station arbitrary network survey(Referred to as arbitrary network)Software system "is the first set of surveying and mapping professional software released by this website, which means that you are exempted from all responsibilities of this website, except for those mandatory by law.

The following will further clarify some specific provisions, but not limited to them.

一, Default of User Agreement

1. This agreement is a specification of relevant rights and obligations signed by the user and this website, which should be carefully observed. Please carefully read this agreement before you start using the software of this network, fully understand the contents of each clause, especially the clauses of exemption or limitation of liability, and the separate agreement for using a service when opening, and choose to accept or not to accept. Some limitations,The disclaimer may remind you in bold.

2. Unless you have read and accepted all the terms of this agreement, you have no right to use this website software. If you check the box on the right of the "Registration" button on the website“√”Submit for registration and successfully enter the website or take any other method to start using the website software or log in to the website in any way or directly,The indirect use of the materials on this website is deemed that you have read and agreed to the restrictions of this agreement, indicating that you have unconditionally accepted all the terms of this agreement and related statements,Notice,notice,Regulations, etc. In case of dispute, you should not,Defense on the ground of ignorance.

二, service object

Users using the software of this network must be relevant professionals and consciously abide by the relevant provisions of their relevant laws. For example, surveying and mapping professionals should abide by the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People's Republic of China》,《Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Surveying and Mapping Results and other relevant laws and regulations.

三, service content

1. The service content of this agreement mainly refers to the provision of professional work software services to users through this network. At present, the website releases software for surveying and mapping professionals independently developed by the website. "Total station arbitrary network survey(Referred to as arbitrary network)software system” It is the first set of software for surveying and mapping released by this website.

2. The service content also includes but is not limited to user account registration,Sign in,Safe Exit,Retrieve password,Change Password,Modification of master data,query,Message feedback, instant messaging and other services.

3. The website will continuously enrich the service content,Improve service quality. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, software enhancements,Modifications, upgrades and new functions are automatically applicable to the agreement. If you do not agree with any one or more of the preceding items in this article, please do not continue to use the network software.

4. Users should consult relevant professionals for professional knowledge problems encountered in the process of use. This website generally does not provide answers.

5. The website has the right to decide not to answer the questions that the website thinks do not need to answer.

四, Self provided equipment

All the equipment and expenses required for your use of the network software are entirely borne by you. Example: computer,total station,Personal mobile phone,Network access equipment,Internet access fee,telephone rate,Mobile phone charges, etc.

五, User registration and account

1. In order to resist various network threats, reduce risks, and make friends with well meaning users, we decide to register before using(Include trial)。At the same time, it is free to come and go, and users can permanently logoff and withdraw from registration at any time and under any circumstances. After account cancellation, the network software can no longer be used. In addition, it is generally prohibited to re register this website without proper reasons.

2. At the time of registration, the email is temporarily used as the information verification, but the mobile phone number must also be correctly filled in. When the software is officially used, the mobile phone number may be used as another information verification tool according to the situation, so as to prevent the wrong mobile phone number from affecting your use.

3. A user information, such as mailbox,Only one account can be registered, please do not register multiple accounts, otherwise your normal use may be affected.

4. When you register on this website, you must provide the true,Effective identification data to ensure the correctness of information,Reliability and legitimacy. In case of any change to the above data, the online update shall be carried out in a timely manner, but the email shall not be updated. If the information you provide is inconsistent with the facts, or the information you provide has changed but has not been updated in a timely manner, or there is any suspicion of misleading, resulting in the inability of our website to provide or continue to provide services to you, you should bear all of its own responsibility and the resulting losses have nothing to do with our website.

六, Use of software

1. This website software is suitable for a variety of mainstream browsers. It is better to use the software equivalent toIE10.0Above version. computer,mobile phone,Virtual machine and total station can be operated online, without installation,Uninstall does not exist. Large computer screen,Easy to operate, recommended. However, there are differences among different browsers, and our website does not guarantee their compatibility.

2. The network software is available inWindows 8.1The debugging under the operating system has passed, but the network has not been tested under any operating system. It is not guaranteed that it can be used perfectly under any operating system. That is, the network is not responsible for the compatibility of software and hardware support systems.

3. The network software has been tested in detail, but it does not guarantee the network software and its development documents,Software User Manual,Function introduction,There is no error in all relevant documents and text materials such as prompt information. If an error is found, the user can log in to the website and report the situation to the website through feedback messages for technical support. However, the technical support provided by this website is limited and cannot guarantee to solve all your problems.

4. Software is inherently complex, so it is a fact that any software with a certain scale, especially large and medium-sized software, will have certain defects and continuous improvement process of continuous improvement. The website software is no exception.

5. The network software mainly adopts interactive operation. Users submit data to the network server for analysis and processing, and then the server pushes the processing results to users for browsing. This process takes about ten seconds under normal Internet conditions. In this process, the computer is fully automated, and no one can intervene except for network security threats and other network problems, And the network has taken a series of technical precautions to ensure that the data reaches the user safely to the maximum extent. We promise that we will not care about data security for any reason, but we will try our best to maintain data security. However, due to the current security situation of the Internet, we can only do our best to solve the above problems without assuming any responsibility.

6. You should carefully operate according to the prompts on the software interface of the website, including explicit prompts or guiding prompts, to avoid operating errors. According to the needs of software operation, sometimes the server will send highly professional confirmation information to users. As a professional technician, you should be able to make an accurate choice. We will not be responsible for the loss caused by your operation error and selection error.

7. The website software has an irregular trial period, during which only the sponsorship fee is charged, and the sponsorship fee is completely voluntary, which does not affect the trial. Before the official charge for use, you will be clearly prompted and the price will be published. You have the right to decide whether to continue using the software on this website. If you do not pay the relevant fees at that time, you will not be allowed to follow up.

8. There will be certain restrictions on the network software during the trial period. Users may encounter these operational restrictions during the trial. Please avoid these restrictions.

9. The accuracy of the results depends on the data submitted by users. Therefore, users should check the correctness of their submitted data,accuracy,Be responsible for rationality and reliability. In terms of data error checking, although the software can automatically check out a large number of errors and feed them back to the user for modification, the user should actively check and eliminate all errors in the data file, and strive to submit successfully at one time. Take the automatic check of the network software as the final supplementary check to help users find hidden errors. The network software does not assume any responsibility for the data errors referred to in this article and the economic losses caused thereby, nor does it guarantee the accuracy of the errors automatically found by the network software.

10. The final technical support of the network software is provided by the developers of specific software.

七, data security

1. User data refers to the known data and observation data submitted by users using the software of this network and various achievement data obtained, such as various coordinates,Various mean square errors(standard deviation),written words,report,The user should keep and use these data properly. If there is a problem with the user data, the network will not be responsible.

2. The network does not guarantee that the achievement data pushed to the user will be received after the user submits the data, regardless of the situation, including but not limited to network failure,Network security threats,Power failure,The website will not be responsible for the failure to receive the push results due to the user's own problems or user operation errors. However, if the user needs this website to provide these achievement data, the user needs to pay the fees paid for the current use of this software30%As a surcharge, it will be packaged by the staff of the website and sent to the user's mailbox via email.

3. If the data submitted by the user does not reach the server of the network due to network problems and other reasons, the network will not be responsible for this.

八, Use Rules

The software of this network is subject to the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China》,《Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software and other Chinese laws, and any unauthorized modification,copy,publish,issue,lease,spread,translate,Reverse compilation or reverse engineering and destruction of all or part of the network software will be severely punished by the law. The following rules must be followed when using the network software:

1. You shall take full responsibility for your own use of the software on this website, and ensure that you follow the following principles in the process of using the software on this website:

(1)Comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations;

(2)Comply with this agreement and relevant management regulations issued by this website;

(3)Do not infringe the legitimate interests of this website in any form;

(4)The services provided by this website shall not be used for any illegal or infringing activities.

2. The website has the right to review and supervise your use. If the website judges that you have illegal or breach of contract, it has the right to require you to correct the corresponding behavior and take all necessary measures(For example, suspend or terminate your right to use the software on this website)To mitigate the adverse effects of your actions. You hereby confirm that the audit of this website does not assume any obligation, nor does it exempt you from any responsibility.

3. You are not allowed to attack the server of this network, delete,Hide or modify any content related to the software of this website.

4. Please do not abuse the software of this website. Including but not limited to using the software of this website for illegal purposes, tampering with computer codes related to the software of this website, and using signs or words related to the software of this website or similar webpage interfaces.

5. You understand and agree that when you use this website, you should especially comply with social ethics and relevant laws and regulations. Controls that allow you to enter text on pages that can directly submit text to the website, such as communication and feedback messages(Such as text box)The following contents shall not be submitted within:

(1) Violating the basic principles set forth in the Constitution;

(2) Violation of Chinese laws,Regulations and other provisions; Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;

(3) Malicious code,Virus code,Hacker program,Software cracking registration information, etc;

(4) Articles without legal authorization,picture,music,video,Application, etc;

(5) Advertising content or links;

(6) Violating the information release policy of the website or damaging the legitimate rights and interests of the website;

(7) Bad remarks,abuse,Harsh words and other behaviors;

(8) Harming the honor and interests of the state;

(9) Incite national hatred,Those who discriminate against nationalities and undermine national unity;

(10) Those who undermine the state's religious policy and promote heresy and feudal superstition;

(11) Spreading rumors, disturbing social order and undermining social stability;

(12) To spread obscenity or pornography,gambling,violence,murder,Terrorizing or abetting a crime;

(13) Violating public order and good customs and damaging public interests; Violating the bottom line of laws and regulations,The bottom line of the socialist system,Bottom line of national interests,The bottom line of citizens' legitimate rights and interests,Bottom line of social public order,It is required by the "seven bottom lines" of the bottom line of morality and information authenticity;

(14) Insult or slander others and infringe upon their legitimate rights and interests;

(15) Relevant laws,Other contents prohibited by administrative regulations, national regulations and this Agreement.

6. Any legal disputes or other consequences arising from the content you upload should be borne by you.

7. Users shall not use computer code(Such as reptile)Automation methods such as using the software of this network can only be used according to the interface operation methods provided by this network.

8. The user shall not modify or forge the instructions in the operation of the network software,Internal resources,Data, adding,Deletion,Change the function or operation effect of the software.

9. The user has no right to perform the following actions, including but not limited to:

(1) Do not delete or change all rights management electronic information on the network software;

(2) It is not allowed to deliberately avoid or destroy the technical measures taken by the copyright to protect the software copyright of this network;

(3) Users shall not mislead by using the software of this website,Deceive others;

(4) Entering computer information network or using computer information network resources without permission;

(5) Storage in computer information network without permission,Delete the processed or transferred data and applications,Modification or addition;

(6) Any other harm to computer information network security.

10. All other rights not expressly authorized in this agreement are still owned by the network. Users must obtain the written consent of the network when using other rights.

11. For security and other special reasons, the website reserves the right to keep certain applications of the website software private or used in specific occasions.

九, Privacy

1. We promise to take necessary measures to protect your personal data stored on our servers to the maximum extent(Including user data)And the security of private information. Various security technologies will be used to protect your personal information from unauthorized access,Use or disclosure.

2. Except for the exceptions agreed in this agreement, the website guarantees that it will not be disclosed to the public or provided to a third party,Publish or share your personal data and private information.

3. Under the following circumstances, the disclosure of your personal data and privacy information by this website will not be deemed as breach of contract, specifically including:

(1)This website has obtained your explicit authorization;

(2)According to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, the website has the obligation to disclose;

(3)The website is required to provide by judicial or administrative authorities based on legal procedures;

(4)Disclosed within a reasonable scope in order to safeguard the social and public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of the network;

(5) Required to provide the service you require.

4. On the premise of not disclosing your personal data and privacy, the website has the right to conduct technical analysis on the overall user data information of the website and analyze the data that has been,The sorted statistical data shall be used.

5. The network software has the right to use your email account and other unique identifiers internally to protect your data security and maintain data order, so as to avoid confusion with other user data.

6. Although we have made great efforts to protect users' privacy, we still cannot guarantee that the existing security technical measures will protect your personal data and privacy in any form. You are fully aware of the above situation, and will not pursue the legal responsibility of this website.

7. Your account is set for you and kept by you. The original password is only known to you,Account number caused by the act of a third person or your own negligence,If the password is illegally used by others and causes losses to you, this website will not assume any responsibility for it.

8. This website will not ask you to provide your account and password at any time. If you find this situation, you can ignore it as cheating or report it.

9. You agree not to disclose your account and password information to others under any circumstances. If you find that your account has been illegally used or abnormally used by others, you should immediately notify this website in writing and provide the personal valid identity information consistent with the original registrant. After verifying your valid personal identity information, we will try our best to provide you with necessary assistance to safeguard your legal rights, but we do not absolutely guarantee that you will be able to solve such problems through this way.

10. You must understand and acknowledge that the use right of this account belongs to the original registrant. You are not allowed to transfer your account and password in any form,Gifts,lend,Sell or permit others to use in other ways, otherwise, this website has the right to ban,Delete the account. If you are not the original registrant of the account, you should immediately stop using the account, otherwise you should bear the consequences, and you should be liable for any losses caused to the network.

11. The website software does not contain any collection of user computer information, nor will it disclose user privacy.

十, intellectual property right

1. This website and the software released by this website are legally owned by this website and are subject to applicable intellectual property rights,Copyright,copyright,trademark,Service trademark,Patent or other legal protection.

2. Any content of the network software, including but not limited to software,written words,picture,Icon,audio frequency,video(Especially the example video),framework,Layout Frame,Interface design,Action Element(Such as button,menu),data,file,trade secret,You are not allowed to copy the net name without the written consent of the website,Imitate or use any improper means for other public occasions and profitable or non-profit purposes.

3. The use of this website software will not enable you to obtain or own any intellectual property rights belonging to this website. The rights related to the results you obtain on this website should comply with the management regulations of your organization, such as not selling the results privately. If you violate the regulations, you should take the initiative to assume full responsibility. This website neither interferes nor bears any responsibility.

4. If this website accidentally infringes on which media,For the intellectual property rights of organizations or individuals, please inform us by letter or telegram, and our website will delete them immediately.

eleven, Changes and modifications of this Agreement

1. This website has the right to modify this agreement at any time. You can view the changed agreement on the relevant service page.

2. If you continue to use the network software after the change of this agreement, it is deemed that you have accepted and are willing to abide by the modification of this agreement. If you do not agree with the contents of the changed agreement, you have the right to stop using the network software.

twelve, Service change,Interruption and Termination

1. The software provided by this network may be subject to force majeure,Network problems,There is no need to notify you of the risk of service interruption or service termination or failure to meet your requirements caused by the network's own business problems and other factors.

2. According to the development needs or in order to provide you with better services, the website has the right to,Changes in regulations and adjustments in business conditions and strategies,Optimize the network software and change it at any time for other reasons,Interrupt or terminate part or all of the provision of software services under this Agreement without further notice to you.

3. You must bear the above two items(Two types)We will not be liable for any loss caused by you or any third party.

thirteen, Default

1. The use of the Internet must comply with relevant national policies and laws, such as criminal law,National Security Law,Confidentiality Law,Regulations on the Security Protection of Computer Information Systems,Intellectual property law, etc., to protect national interests and national security. You are fully responsible for all responsibilities arising from illegal use of the Internet and violation of the terms of this Agreement. If you do not comply with any one or several of the above provisions of this article, we have the right to take measures including but not limited to legal liability without prior notice to you,Delete or terminate the corresponding contents,Completely or partially suspend or stop your use of the network software; In case of any loss to the website, the website has the right to require you to make corresponding compensation, including but not limited to the administrative penalty imposed on the website by the state authorities, or the claim made by a third party through litigation or other means. The scope of compensation includes but not limited to fines,Compensation and corresponding legal fees paid by the website,Lawyer fees, etc. We will not assume any responsibility for the loss caused to you by taking the above reasonable measures.

2. Malicious registration of local accounts or illegal activities using local accounts,Make trouble,harass,In case of cheating other users and other acts in violation of this agreement, the website has the right to recycle the account. At the same time, the website will assist in the investigation as required by the judicial department.

3. If the client submits data and spam maliciously,Malicious injection,Repeated malicious page refreshing has caused huge pressure on the server and other bad behaviors. Whether it is caused by the user's own behavior or the network security threat on the user's computer, the minor will issue a warning, and the severe will log off the user, and will not notify you. Those who violate the relevant laws of China will be subject to legal sanctions, and those who cause losses to the network will also be liable for compensation. Therefore, users of this network software must also be fully responsible for the safe use of their computers.

fourteen, Disclaimers

1. You agree to all risks caused by using the software provided by this website,The disputes and all the consequences arising therefrom will be entirely borne by you, and this website will not bear any responsibility, except for the mandatory provisions of the law.

2. We are committed to providing high-quality software services, but we do not promise that the software we provide will meet your requirements, and we do not guarantee that our software and its development documents,Software User Manual,Function introduction,There is no error in all relevant documents and text materials such as prompt information, and it is not guaranteed that all results obtained after processing the data submitted by users through the website software(Including but not limited to various data,Results precision,Drawings, etc)There is no error and the security of all your achievements is not guaranteed,Correctness,accuracy,Integrity,Legitimacy and reliability, etc. You agree to accept all the above payments referred to in this article, and it is entirely up to you to decide whether to use the network software and bear all the responsibilities. If you do not accept any one or several items of this article, you are not allowed to use the website software.

3. This website will not assume any responsibility for any form of loss and injury that may be caused to users or others when using the software provided by this website for any reason. In any case, the website and its developers shall not be liable for any damages and risks caused by the use or inability to use the website software.

4. The network has the right to regularly or irregularly repair or maintain the platform providing network services or related equipment, or upgrade software irregularly,error correction,Improve the software, etc. If the network service is interrupted or suspended within a reasonable time due to such circumstances, the network shall not be responsible for it.

5. Any achievements you have obtained by using the network software and the use of the achievements(Not limited to normal use,academic research,Used by other users, etc)Any risks and adverse consequences that may arise shall be borne by you, and this website will not bear any legal responsibility.

6. As the user informs others of his/her personal password or shares his/her registered account with others, this website will not be responsible for any personal data leakage caused thereby.

7. The network will try its best to maintain the normal operation of the software. However, the network software may be affected by many factors:

(1)Including but not limited to your reasons,Network equipment maintenance,Network connection failure,Network signal not covered,Network transmission delay or interruption,Electronic terminal,Failure or error of communication or other systems,Network congestion,computer,Hardware restrictions for mobile phones or other electronic devices,System instability,System or equipment failure,Power failure,Bank reason,Third party service defects or government actions;

(2)Including but not limited to strike,Labor dispute,riot,unrest,fire,flood,storm,blast,Warfare,Government action,Orders of judicial administrative organs and other force majeure or inaction of a third party and other force majeure;

(3)May be attacked by various security issues, such as viruses,Trojan horses or other malicious programs threaten your device and data security.

You understand and agree that the above factors will affect the use of the software on this website without further notice.

Any loss and injury caused to you due to the reasons described in this article shall be borne by you. The website and software developers do not assume any responsibility for this, nor do they make any commitment or guarantee, nor guarantee that the service will not be interrupted, nor will they cause your data loss,No legal liability or compensation shall be borne for loss or service stop.

Despite the above agreement, the network will take reasonable actions to actively restore the service to normal.

8. Any accident caused by the use of this website software,negligence,Contract destruction,libel,Infringement of copyright or intellectual property rights and losses caused(Including computer viruses)You are responsible for it, and we will not be responsible for it, nor undertake any legal responsibility.

9. The website has the right but not the obligation to review,Supervise whether you have legal use qualifications. If we judge that you have illegal or breach of contract, we have the right to require you to correct the corresponding behavior and take all necessary measures(For example, suspend or terminate your right to use the software on this website)To mitigate the adverse effects of your actions.

10. In view of the particularity of the network service, you agree to the unconditional change of the network,Interrupt part or all of the network services, and delete the data submitted by you in using the network software and all the results generated or,Correctness,accuracy,Integrity,You do not need to be informed of any risks and adverse consequences arising from issues such as legality and reliability, and our website does not need to assume any responsibility.

11. For issues not covered in this statement, please refer to relevant national laws and regulations. In case of conflict between this statement and national laws and regulations, the national laws and regulations shall prevail.

fifteen, Suggestions and comments

Anyone can give guidance and suggestions to this website and the software published by this website. For sincere criticism, our website said: If you have it, you can change it, if not, you can encourage it.

To Email:canyine@163.com


Private telephone: 0371-67117589

sixteen, Disputed issues

You agree that, except for the mandatory provisions of laws, there is no dispute between this website and users. Therefore, we do not accept any dispute between you and us.

seventeen, Problem feedback

In order to ensure that our network can deal with your problems efficiently and feed back to you in a timely manner, you are required to submit your identity certificate,Effective contact information, written request and relevant evidence, we will process your reasonable request after verifying your identity.

eighteen, other

Any provision of this Agreement is suspended,termination,revoke,The invalidity or unenforceability of the judgment shall not affect the validity or execution of other provisions.

All rights of interpretation and modification of this agreement belong to this website.

Lightning Work Concept Network










一、 用户协议的默认

1. 本协议系由用户与本网所订立的相关权利义务规范,应认真遵守。请您在开始使用本网软件之前,务必慎谨阅读本协议,充分理解各条款内容,特别是免除或者限制责任的条款,以及开通时需要使用某项服务的单独协议,并选择接受或者不接受。一些限制、免责条款可能以加粗形式提示您注意。

2. 除非您已经阅读并接受本协议所有条款,否则您无权使用本网软件。如果您在本网“注册”按钮右边检查框中打上对勾“√”提交注册并成功进入本网或采取其它任何办法开始使用本网软件或凡以任何方式登陆本网或直接、间接使用本网的资料,即视为您已阅读并同意本协议的约束,表示您已无条件接受了本协议的全部条款以及相关声明、公告、通知、规定等。如果发生纠纷,您不得以未细看、不知晓等为由进行抗辩。

二、 服务对象


三、 服务内容

1. 本协议服务内容主要是指通过本网向用户提供专业工作软件服务。目前本网发布的是由本网自主研发的测绘专业方面的软件,供测绘专业人员使用。“全站仪任意网测量(简称任意网)软件系统” 就是本网发布的第一套测绘专业方面的软件。

2. 服务内容还包括但不限于用户账号注册、登录、安全退出、找回密码、修改密码、基本资料修改、查询、留言反馈,即时通讯等服务。

3. 本网会不断丰富服务内容、提高服务质量。除非另有明确约定,软件功能的增强、修改升级与新增功能,均自动适用本协议的约定。若您不同意本条前述任何一项或几项,请不要继续使用本网软件。

4. 用户在使用过程中所遇到的专业知识问题,请咨询有关的专业人员,本网一般不作解答。

5. 本网有权决定不解答用户所提问的本网认为不需要解答的问题。

四、 自备设备


五、 用户注册与账号

1. 为了抵御各种网络威胁,降低风险,结交善意用户,本网决定先注册后使用(包括试用)。同时,实行来去自由,用户可以在任何时候和任何情况下随时永久性注销和退出注册。账户注销后将不能再使用本网软件。并且,若没有正当理由一般不得再次注册本网。

2. 注册时暂以邮箱作为信息验证,但手机号也务必填写正确,软件正式使用时可能会根据情况以手机号作为另一种信息验证工具,以免手机号错误影响您的使用。

3. 一个用户信息,如邮箱、手机号等,只能注册一个账户,请不要多账户注册,否则可能会影响您的正常使用。

4. 您在本网进行注册时,须提供真实、有效的身份识别资料,保证信息的正确性、可靠性和合法性。并应在前述资料发生变更时,及时进行线上更新,但邮箱不得更新。若您所提供的资料与事实不符或所提供的资料已经变更而未及时更新或有任何误导之嫌而导致本网无法为您提供或继续提供服务的,您应自行承担其全部责任和由此引发的损失与本网无关。

六、 软件的使用

1. 本网软件适合多种主流浏览器,最好使用等同于IE10.0以上版本。电脑、手机、虚拟机及全站仪等均可网上操作使用,不需要安装、不存在卸载。电脑屏幕大、操作方便,推荐。但各种浏览器存在差异,本网不保证其兼容性。

2. 本网软件在Windows 8.1操作系统下调试通过,但本网并未在任何一种操作系统下进行测试,不保证在任何一种操作系统下都能完美无缺的使用。即,本网对软硬件支持系统的兼容性不负任何责任。

3. 本网软件经过了详细测试,但并不保证本网软件及其开发文档、软件使用手册、功能介绍、提示信息等所有相关文档和文字资料没有错误。如果发现错误情况,用户可登录本网将情况通过反馈留言报告给本网以获得技术支持。但本网所提供的技术支持是有限度的,并不能保证解决您的所有问题。

4. 软件这东西天生是一个复杂体,因此任何一个具有一定规模的软件,尤其是大中型软件,都会不同程度的存在一定的缺陷和不断完善升级的持续改进过程,这是事实。本网软件同样也不例外。

5. 本网软件以采用交互式作业为主,用户向本网服务器提交数据,服务器进行分析处理,然后把处理结果推送给用户供浏览使用,此过程在互联网正常情况下约需十秒钟左右,在此过程中完全由计算机自动化处理,除网络安全威胁等网络问题外任何人将无法干预,并且本网采取了一系列技术防范措施最大限度地保证数据安全到达用户方。本网承诺,本网不会以任何理由不关心数据安全,而是以最大努力维护数据安全,但介于目前互联网的安全状况,本网对于前述问题只能尽力而为但并不承担任何责任。

6. 您应当按照本网软件界面提示,包括明示的提示或引导性的提示,认真操作,避免操作错误。根据软件运行需要,有时服务器会向用户发出有关专业性很强的确认信息,您作为专业技术人员应该能够准确的做出选择。由于您操作错误和选择错误而造成的损失,本网概不负责。

7. 本网软件有一个不定期试用期,在试用期间只收赞助费,而赞助费是完全自愿的,不影响试用。在正式收费使用前,会向您明确提示并且公开标价,您有就此决定是否继续使用本网软件的权利,届时如果您未支付相关费用,将不会允许您后续操作。

8. 本网软件在试用期间将有一定的限制,用户在试用中可能会遇到这些操作限制,请用户避开这些限制。

9. 成果精度取决于用户提交的数据。所以,用户应当对自己提交数据的正确性、准确性、合理性及可靠性等负责。在其数据错误检查方面,虽然本软件能够自动检查出大量错误并反馈给用户进行修改,但用户应该主动检查并消灭数据文件中的所有错误,力争一次提交成功。把本网软件的自动检查作为最后的补充检查,以帮助用户发现比较隐蔽的错误之用。本网软件不对本条所指数据错误以及由此造成的经济损失负任何责任,也不对本网软件所自动发现的错误的准确性作任何保证。

10. 本网软件由具体软件的开发者提供最终技术支持。

七、 数据安全

1. 用户数据是指用户使用本网软件所提交的已知数据和观测数据与获得的各种成果数据,如各种坐标、各种中误差(标准差)、文字、报告、图件等等,用户应当妥善保存好和使用好这些数据。若用户数据出现问题,本网不负任何责任。

2. 本网不保证在用户提交数据后推送给用户的成果数据一定能够收到,不论哪种情况,包括但不限于网络故障、网络安全威胁、掉电、用户自身问题或用户操作错误等未收到推送成果,本网概不负责。但若用户需要本网提供这些成果数据时,用户则需要支付当次使用本软件已付费用的30%作为附加费,然后由本网工作人员打包通过电子邮件发送至用户邮箱。

3. 若因网络问题等任何原因,用户提交的数据未到达本网服务器,则本网不就此承担责任。

八、 使用规则


1. 您应就自身使用本网软件的行为负全部责任,并保证在使用本网软件的过程中遵循以下原则:





2. 本网有权对您的使用情况进行审查和监督,如本网判断认为您存在违法或违约行为的,有权要求您纠正相应行为,并采取一切必要的措施(如暂停或终止您使用本网软件的权利等)以减轻您行为造成的不良影响。您在此确认,本网的审核行为不承担任何义务,也不免除您的任何责任。

3. 您不得攻击本网的服务器,删除、隐藏或修改任何与本网软件相关的内容等。

4. 请勿滥用本网软件。包括但不限于将本网软件用于非法目的,篡改与本网软件相关的计算机代码,使用与本网软件相关的标志或文字或相似的网页界面。

5. 您了解并认可,在您使用本网时,尤其要遵守社会公德和相关法律法规。在交流和反馈留言等可直接向本网提交文字的页面上的允许您输入文本的控件(如文本框)内不得提交如下内容:

(1) 违反宪法确定的基本原则的;

(2) 违反我国法律、法规及其它规定的;危害国家安全,泄露国家秘密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的;

(3) 恶意代码、病毒代码、黑客程序、软件破解注册信息等;

(4) 未获合法授权的文章、图片、音乐、视频、应用等;

(5) 广告内容或链接;

(6) 违反本网信息发布政策或损害本网合法权益的;

(7) 不良言论、谩骂、恶语伤人等行为;

(8) 损害国家荣誉和利益的;

(9) 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的;

(10) 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;

(11) 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;

(12) 散布淫秽,色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;

(13) 违背社会公序良俗,有损社会公共利益的;违反法律法规底线、社会主义制度底线、国家利益底线、公民合法权益底线、社会公共秩序底线、道德风尚底线和信息真实性底线的“七条底线”要求的;

(14) 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;

(15) 有关法律、行政法规和国家规定禁止的以及本协议禁止的其他内容。

6. 由于您发布上传的内容带来的法律纠纷或其它后果,需要由您自行承担。

7. 用户不得利用计算机代码(如爬虫)等自动化方法使用本网软件,而只能按本网提供的界面操作方法使用。

8. 用户不得修改或伪造本网软件运行中的指令、内部资源、数据,增加、删减、变动软件的功能或运行效果。

9. 用户无权实施包括但不限于下列行为:

(1) 不得删除或者改变本网软件上的所有权利管理电子信息;

(2) 不得故意避开或者破坏著作权人为保护本网软件著作权而采取的技术措施;

(3) 用户不得利用本网软件误导、欺骗他人;

(4) 未经允许,进入计算机信息网络或者使用计算机信息网络资源;

(5) 未经允许,对计算机信息网络中存储、处理或者传输的数据和应用程序进行删除、修改或者增加;

(6) 其他任何危害计算机信息网络安全的。

10. 本协议未明示授权的其他一切权利仍归本网所有,用户使用其他权利时必须获得本网的书面同意。

11. 为了安全等特殊原因,本网保留本网软件的某些应用方面不公开或在特定场合使用的权利。

九、 隐私保密


十、 知识产权

1. 本网及本网所发布的软件由本网依法拥有知识产权,受到适用的知识产权、著作权、版权、商标、服务商标、专利或其他法律的保护。

2. 本网软件的任何内容,包括但不限于软件、文字、图片、图标、音频、视频(尤其是例子视频)、架构、版面框架、界面设计、操作元素(如按钮、菜单)、数据、文档、商业秘密、网名称等,未经本网书面同意,您不得复制、模仿或采用任何不正当手段用于其它公开场合和盈利性或非盈利性目的。

3. 使用本网软件并不会使您获得或拥有任何属于本网的知识产权。您在本网所获得的成果的有关权利应当遵守您所在单位的管理规定,例如不得私自出卖成果等,若违反规定您应主动承担全部责任,本网既不干预也不负任何责任。

4. 本网如无意中侵犯了哪个媒体、单位或个人的知识产权,请来信或来电告之,本网将立即给予删除。

十一、 本协议的变更和修改

1. 本网有权随时对本协议进行修改,您可以在相关服务页面查阅变更后的协议。

2. 如果您在本协议变更后继续使用本网软件,则视为您已经接受并愿意遵守本协议的修改。若您不同意变更后的协议内容,您有权停止使用本网软件。

十二、 服务变更、中断与终止

1. 本网所提供的软件可能存在不可抗力、网络问题、本网自身经营问题等因素造成的服务中断或服务终止或不能满足您要求的风险,且无需通知您。

2. 根据发展需要或为了向您提供更好的服务,本网有权根据有关法律、法规的变化以及经营状况和经营策略的调整、优化本网软件以及可能的其他原因等各种情况下随时变更、中断或终止部分或全部的本协议的软件服务提供,且无需另行对您进行通知。

3. 您须承担以上两条(即两类)风险,本网对您或任何第三人由此造成的损失均不承担赔偿责任。

十三、 违约

1. 使用互联网必须遵守国家有关的政策和法律,如刑法、国家安全法、保密法、计算机信息系统安全保护条例、知识产权法等,保护国家利益,保护国家安全,对于违法使用互联网络及违反本协议条款而引起的一切责任完全由您负责。如因您不遵守本条上述任意一款或者几款的规定,本网有权在不事先通知您的情况下采取包括但不限于追究法律责任、将相应的内容删除或采取终止、完全或部分中止或停止您使用本网软件;如造成本网损失的,本网有权要求您给予相应的赔偿,包括但不限于本网因此被国家机关予以行政处罚,或者被第三方通过诉讼或其他的方式索赔,赔偿范围包括但不限于罚款、赔偿金以及本网支付的相应的诉讼费、律师费等。因本网采取上述合理措施给您造成的损失,本网不承担任何责任。

2. 对恶意注册本网账号或利用本网账号进行违法活动、捣乱、骚扰、欺骗其他用户以及其他违反本协议的行为,本网有权回收账号。同时,本网会视司法部门要求,协助调查。

3. 如果发现用户端恶意提交数据和垃圾信息、恶意注入、反复多次恶意刷新页面给服务器造成巨大压力等恶劣行为,不论是用户自己所为或用户电脑存在网络安全威胁造成,轻者发出警告,重者则注销用户,并且不会通知您,有违反我国相关法律行为的将会受到法律制裁,若因此给本网造成损失的还要承担赔偿责任。因此,本网软件的用户还须对自己所用电脑的安全使用负完全责任。

十四、 免责声明

1. 您同意使用本网提供的软件所引起的一切风险、纠纷及所产生的一切后果将完全由您承担,本网不承担任何责任,但法律强制性规定的除外。

2. 本网致力于提供优质软件服务,但本网不承诺所提供的软件一定能满足您的要求,并且不保证本网软件及其开发文档、软件使用手册、功能介绍、提示信息等所有相关文档和文字资料没有错误,不保证通过本网软件处理用户提交的数据后得到的所有成果资料(包括但不限于各种数据、成果精度、图件等)没有错误,不保证您所获得的所有成果的安全性、正确性、准确性、完整性、合法性及可靠性等,根据本条所指以上全部款项您同意接受并且完全由您自己决定是否使用本网软件并承担全部责任。若不接受本条的任何一款或几款,您不得使用本网软件。

3. 本网对任何原因在使用本网提供的软件时可能对用户自己或他人造成的任何形式的损失和伤害不承担任何责任。在任何情况下,对于因使用或无法使用本网软件而导致的任何损害赔偿及风险,本网及本网开发者均无须承担任何责任。

4. 本网有权定期或不定期地对提供网络服务的平台或相关的设备进行检修或维护,或不定期升级软件、纠错、改进软件等,如因此类情况而造成网络服务在合理时间内的中断或暂停,本网无需为此承担责任。

5. 您使用本网软件获得的任何成果及成果的使用(不限于包括正常使用、学术研究、给其他用户使用等)可能引发的任何风险和产生的不良后果均由您本人自行承担,本网不承担任何法律责任。

6. 由于用户将个人密码告知他人或与他人共享注册账户,由此导致的任何个人资料泄露,本网不负任何责任。

7. 本网将以最大努力维护软件正常运行。但本网软件可能会受到多种因素影响:







8. 一切因使用本网软件而引致之任何意外、疏忽、合约毁坏、诽谤、版权或知识产权侵犯及其所造成的损失(包括感染电脑病毒)均有您自行承担,本网概不负责,亦不承担任何法律责任。

9. 本网有权但没有义务审查、监督您是否具备合法的使用资格,如本网判断认为您存在违法或违约行为的,有权要求您纠正相应行为,并采取一切必要的措施(如暂停或终止您使用本网软件的权利等)以减轻您的行为造成的不良影响。

10. 鉴于网络服务的特殊性,您同意本网无条件变更、中断部分或全部网络服务,并删除您在使用本网软件中提交的数据和产生的所有成果资料或当出现由安全性、正确性、准确性、完整性、合法性及可靠性等问题所引发的任何风险及不良后果而无需通知您,本网也无需承担任何责任。

11. 本声明未涉及的问题参见国家有关法律法规,当本声明与国家法律法规冲突时,以国家法律法规为准。

十五、 建议和意见




座机: 0371-67117589

十六、 争议问题


十七、 问题反馈


十八、 其他



