





QQ 号:741002581 / 2683551481

QQ 群:561216774 / 959725016

Franchise Agreement

1, General

“The article "Lightning work concept" is the foundation of our network. I hope the professionals who are ready to join us can understand it.

Except for surveying and mapping, other majors can join this network.

The specialty joining this website needs a professional section leader who is responsible for the overall management of this website. The person in charge of the professional section will be selected by the website from the registered users of the website, so the registered users are expected to fill in their personal information carefully and truthfully.

The person in charge of the professional section must have the level of flash technician and have been assessed as the best person in his/her specialty. It must have a certain number of professional working software with high degree of intelligence and even close to flash standard that is developed in person and often used in work, and can be provided to Internet users' computers and mobile phones for online use.

Participating professionals can release online software or offline software, but the software released must meet the required Lightning standards, that is, Lightning pieces must meet high intelligence. The released software is determined by the Lightning engineers of the discipline and reported to the website for final review and filing. The website has one veto, so we hope that the professional Lightning engineers carefully review the released software.

The software released by this website is charged. This website only releases software that meets the conditions of the Lightning working concept(That is, Lightning pieces),Software that does not meet the Lightning standard is not released on this website.

Each specialty can also undertake professional production tasks through this network, so as to enable software developers(Such as Lightning workers and Lightning engineers)Participate in the practice personally, experience the whole process of work, and generate inspiration for software creation.

More importantly, the website teaches users who are willing to cooperate with their work by directly writing code to develop Lightning pieces for their work. Users need to pay a certain amount of apprenticeship fees to Lightning workers.

2, Franchise Terms

(one)Professionals who are interested in joining the website can contact the website to negotiate the joining matters. The franchisee must have sufficient professional strength in the field and computer software.

(two)This website has a successful professional model of Lightning work concept for reference, and its successful experience can be followed. That is, the scientific and technological model of surveying and mapping has set a precedent, accumulated some successful experience for use, and other majors can refer to the implementation.

(three)Each franchise specialty has four contents: online software, offline software, contracting professional projects, and training Lightning workers. Among them, empty items without content are allowed. Specifically:

(1)The online version of the software is used online. The intellectual property right of online software is easy to be protected, which is advocated by this website. The client can only use a lightweight browser to work on the Internet directly, and does not need to install network software and its related support software and software maintenance.

(2)Download and use stand-alone software. That is, offline software. The user downloads the software for local use, and the work related to intellectual property rights such as anti-theft, anti cracking and anti tampering shall be the responsibility of the specialty.

(3)Undertake professional production tasks. The purpose is to conduct software system analysis and system design for professional work process, so as to discover various Lightning pieces to be developed. The production projects undertaken must be led by Lightning engineers of corresponding disciplines. Production projects are assigned to appropriate Lightning engineers by the network.

(4)Train staff to write Lightning copies. If the staff want to become a Lightning worker in the future, please contact us for necessary training. Our Lightning engineers will teach you to write the first Lightning piece in your professional work in the shortest time, and play the role of casting a brick to attract jade. Gradually guide you to write other Lightning pieces in your work independently. Our Lightning engineers will guide you at any time and answer your problems in programming.

(four)The specialty joining this network must have an independent professional server. The surveying and mapping science and technology specialty of this network has its successful experience and can provide paid technical consulting services to help establish a professional server. However, the specialty is responsible for solving all professional issues. The network security of its independent professional server is solely responsible for itself, and the network does not assume any responsibility for it.

(five)The Lightning work concept is the proprietary technology of our website. Only software that meets the Lightning standard of the Lightning work concept conditions can be released on our website, and our website is responsible for the final approval.

(six)All software released by this website must have a trial period. The length of the trial period and the number of functions opened during the trial period are at the discretion of each specialty. After the trial period, all software functions that have been announced or promised must be opened to users for official charges. Otherwise, users have the right to terminate the use of their software and request a refund of all fees.

(seven)A profession can only have one professional server. Any other individual's scattered Lightning pieces need to be transferred to the corresponding profession and included in the corresponding professional server for release. Please contact the Lightning worker of the profession to negotiate the matters of transfer and benefit distribution.

(eight)Matters not covered herein can be supplemented through negotiation later.

This website reserves the right to update this agreement from time to time without further notice.

Lightning work concept network


























