
Online use of network software


目前,本网已发布多款AI在线智能化测绘软件,均为通用专业测绘手机APP软件,不论是大型工程项目,还是中、小型工程项目,都可以轻松使用。即,适合大、中、小型工程项目的测绘工作。由于这些软件智能化程度高,所以需要人工操作的工作量、步骤很少。即,软件的界面少,操作元素少,使用简单,省事省心省力。手机、电脑打开闪速工作网( www.ldcmm.com )即可使用,方便快捷。一般情况下,用户只需提交原始数据文件即可得到各种成果表格化网页,可以直接打印,也可以复制粘贴为文本文件、Word表格和Excel表格文件,方便办公工作。对于这些软件,用户不需要安装、升级和维护,也不需要安装大型支持软件和各种组件,只需电脑、手机打开网页即可使用。

待 续 ......




手机可直接 微信扫码 登录本网或直接用网址登录。

安装软件是为一些用户方便使用在线软件提供一个通道和门户。 如果需要,请到 下载中心 下载。

Undertake professional production tasks

1、Undertake control network survey, topographic map mapping, topographic survey, Gauss projection and conversion, geodetic coordinate conversion, mapping angle format conversion, leveling network survey, GPS network survey, photogrammetry, geodesy;

2、Undertake the clearing of electronic maps (such as topographic map, sketch map, section map, plan, etc.);

3、Undertake the software (lightning ware) development of the above work items.

Training staff to write lightning copies

If the staff want to become a lightning worker in the future, please contact us for necessary training. Our lightning engineers will teach you to write the first lightning piece in your professional work in the shortest time, and play the role of casting a brick to attract jade. Gradually guide you to write other lightning pieces in your work independently. Our lightning engineers will guide you at any time and answer your problems in programming. And pay a lifetime coaching fee.

