Introduction to standard contour software

Software and hardware environment for running the software system:

The software system is divided into network version and stand-alone version.

1,Network version

It is also divided into Internet version and LAN version. The Internet version is suitable for anyone to use online at any place, and the LAN version is suitable for companies and units.

The Internet version of this software system is suitable for a variety of mainstream browsers, preferably equivalent to IE10.0Above version. Computers, mobile phones, virtual machines and total stations can be operated and used online without installation or uninstallation. Large computer screen, easy to operate, recommended.

The DWG digital topographic map generated by the network version should be opened with AutoCAD2006 or higher.

2,Stand-alone version

Suitable for single computer, total station and virtual machine. It is suitable for the 64-bit system of Windws7 and above. The stand-alone version uses AutoCAD2008, 64-bit version. The stand-alone version does not need to be installed. It sends commands directly in the AutoCAD environment and is used as usual.

This software system is intelligent software. Everything that computers can do is left to computers.

1 summary

Specification contour software system V1.0(Referred to as standard contour)It is an intelligent digital topographic map mapping software that does not include only features. The software system automatically draws contour lines and related contents according to the requirements of the national specifications. It mainly includes: curve plotting, first curve plotting, inter-curve plotting, contour plotting of the specified elevation or the specified elevation range, retaining elevation points according to the national regulations, curve elevation annotation, drawing of positive and negative geomorphic slope lines, kilometer grid plotting, mapping of survey area map frame, and building of three-dimensional terrain(DTM)Etc.

There is no limit to the number of points processed by the software system, which is only related to the user's computer hard disk configuration. The higher the configuration, the more points processed and the faster the processing speed. For example, in terms of the networking time of the software system, the host computer is Intel i7-2600 CPUAnd 8G memory, Windows8.1(64position)In the environment, it takes about 7 minutes to complete 2 million points, 13 seconds to complete 100000 points, and 1 minute to complete 10000 points.4Seconds. Please refer to this group of data.

This software system is suitable for the mapping of digital topographic map at any scale, but focuses on more than 1:1The production of ten thousand topographic maps is the most widely used.

There are three main steps to use this software system. That is, setting and uploading(Open)Data file, submission(That is, execute the "one key topographic map" command)Then the digital topographic map is drawn. It is recommended to use the default settings. Because the main setting items in the default settings are preset according to the national standard schema requirements, unless the user has other special purposes, it is generally not recommended to modify them.

The software system generates a standard width of 40cm × It takes about 1 minute to complete the 50cm mountain digital topographic map under normal network conditions. Users should note that the format of the data file is consistent with the format in the setting, that is, the field order corresponds.

Principles for setting:

If the national standard schema has provisions, it shall be set according to the provisions of the unit. If there are no clear provisions, it shall be set according to the provisions of the unit. If the unit has no clear provisions, the operator can set it by himself. However, it is generally OK to use the default settings. However, if it is necessary to generate digital topographic map settings for special purposes, it must be approved by the technical department of the user's unit before modification. The elements that users can set by themselves are the settings for beautification and convenience of internal use in addition to the mandatory provisions of the national regulations, such as the color of the curve, the color of the first curve, the color of the three-dimensional terrain and the size of the grid. However, the contents related to accuracy and specifications must first comply with relevant regulations.

After analysis, some setting items have no meaning to be changed according to national regulations, and such elements are no longer provided in the setting interface. For example, greater than 1/1000Two decimal places shall be reserved for elevation annotation of topographic map, and one decimal place shall be reserved for elevation annotation smaller than this scale; As another example, the length of slope line representing positive and negative landforms is 0.6mmwait.

In addition, the "Expand Point" command, the "Select Point Contour" command and the "Auto Select Contour" command under the "Draw" menu of the stand-alone version are reserved functions of the previous version. Because some old users usually deal with a small amount of data and are used to these old functions, they keep them. Although the functions of these early versions have nothing to do with the number of processing points, they occupy relatively large computer resources. If they are transmitted over the Internet, they will consume more network resources, so the network version does not provide the retention function of these early versions. In addition, among these reserved functions, except for "selecting point contour", all other functions are also hidden in the "one-button topographic map" function.

However, the "Select Point Contour" function has an auxiliary purpose, that is, it can be used to observe the 3D solid model of some special local ground from multiple directions(That is, local DTM observation),It is equivalent to the pre-cut function. That is, for some special ground, small local stereo observation should be carried out quickly, rather than cutting until the whole model is built. Because the generation of large models generally takes a long time.

The "display point" function of the stand-alone version is to display points without repetition, that is, if the coordinate points already exist in the drawing will not be displayed repeatedly. Therefore, users can also save as a special coordinate file for such as Class I and Class II orientation objects, control points, special points, etc., and it is also possible to add and expand points after the digital topographic map is generated.

Although the operation interfaces of the network version and the stand-alone version are different, the generated digital topographic map and 3D DTM are identical.

2 Agreements and requirements for data files

2.1 Data file format

The basic format of data file is:

Roll callNxEyHPointednesscoderemarks

NxIt means that the due north direction is the positive direction of the vertical axis, and Ey means that the due east direction is the positive direction of the horizontal axis, which is the measurement coordinate system.

Users can adjust to the format they need through the setting interface. The field data arrangement in the data file must be consistent with the format selected in the setting. Among them, the position order of other fields cannot be changed, but can be omitted, except that Nx and Ey can exchange positions left and right to realize two coordinate system modes. For example, it can also be:

Roll callNxEyH
Roll callNxEyHcode

2.2 Maintain elevation points

The convention for elevation points that must be retained.

If an elevation point must be retained on the digital topographic map, the following agreement shall be followed:

Call Prefix*The number or dot column is*No. indicates that the elevation of the point needs to be reserved. For example:


If the point name and elevation need to be preserved at the same time, the corresponding point prefix must be*number. For example:

373884494.88636576696.7291473.391*Trigonometric point

The comma after the last data of each line in the data file can be omitted.

In the data file, the distribution of points should be basically random and uniform. Because many points crowded together will have a negative impact on the network construction, as shown in the figure, five or six points or more will be gathered within 1 square millimeter(These points can be called quasi-repeat points)。This kind of situation is often caused by improper comprehensive selection of detailed survey of complex landform. The data file cannot contain duplicate points. The point where these two problems can be handled first by some software is called data preprocessing. The website will then provide a free software for users to choose to use according to their needs.

3 Introduction to network version operation interface

3.1 Sign in

Enter the user name and password, and click "Login". When the login is successful, you can use the standard contour software.

Note: If you have not registered, please register first and then log in.

3.2 Use default settings

Select "Use the original settings of the developer", and then submit the data file to obtain the digital topographic map. Click the link to download it. Continue to look down.

3.3 Upload data file

3.4 Submit

3.5 Use custom settings

Open the setting menu to make necessary settings, but first select the function options you need.

The slope line indicated by the software system refers to the slope line of the positive and negative landforms of the contour line of the independent closed loop of the mountain top and the depression.

A specific contour is one that draws only the specified elevation or the specified elevation range.

There are two kinds of kilometre-network, square grid and small cross network.

The elevation items in a specific elevation contour are separated by commas or spaces or tabs.

On the maximum side length multiple:

According to national regulations, the distance between adjacent topographic points should not exceed 3 cm on the map, which is the maximum allowable side length. The distance between points in the topographic map mapping, which is mainly used to constrain the flat landform, should not be too far. However, for difficult areas, each unit has different grasp, which will be relaxed by 1-2 times. In some cases, it may continue to be relaxed, which should be set according to the requirements of the technical design document of the technical department of the user's unit.

Select the "Invert NxEy" check box to exchange the positions of Nx and Ey left and right, so as to adapt to whether the coordinate system or mathematical coordinates are used in the coordinate data file.

If you select Check, the check column will be added to the data file format. If you deselect, the check column will be removed. Because some users' data files have point names, and some have no point names.

The last setting of user-defined settings will be automatically saved by the system. After the next login, click "Settings", and the last setting will be completely displayed. Users can continue to set according to their own usage or directly click "OK".

3.6 Upload data file and submit

Click "Submit", and soon the download page of digital topographic map will display the link to download digital topographic map. Click to open after downloading, and you can see the complete map with all layers open:

When the "DTM" layer is turned off, it will be displayed as a plane digital topographic map:

Zoom in on the lower left corner:

You can see more clearly by further zooming in on a small piece in the figure above:

3.7 DTM 3D stereo observation

Turn off all layers and only open "DTM" layer to view 3D terrain(DTM)。Observe 3D terrain from four different directions:

Observe the 3D view and remove hidden lines.

You can turn off other layers except DTM layer, use the 3D observation menu command of AutoCAD to view the solid from different directions, and note that it is better to execute the "hidden" command to remove the part of the model behind.

1,First, open a viewpoint of the 3D view, such as the view→3D view→Southeast isometric axis. You can see the 3D view with hidden lines(The object lines blocked by the surface are also displayed)。

2,Eliminating hidden lines: views→Blanking

In AutoCAD, you can perform a series of multi-directional 3D view operations on DTM.

To restore to a plan view: view→3D view→Plan view→World UCS(W)。

4 Introduction to stand-alone operation interface

4.1 main interface

Create or open a clean dwg file, and issue the command "standard contour" at the command prompt. The menu of the software system pops up at the lower right corner of the screen as follows:

Enlarge to indicate "normative contour software system V1.0”Menu:


4.2 Settings and default settings

The setting menu is the same as the network version. See the following figures:

The "Expand Point" command, the "Select Point Contour" command and the "Auto Select All Contours" command under the drawing menu are reserved functions in earlier versions. However, the "Select point contour" function can be used in advance to observe the 3D solid model of some special local ground from multiple directions(That is, local DTM observation),It is equivalent to the pre-cutting function.

“The "point expansion" function is to expand the point without repetition, that is, if there are already coordinate points in the drawing, they will not be expanded repeatedly.

The functions reserved in the previous version have two uses: menu method and direct command method:

(1)Menu method. Under the menu, you can execute the "Expand Point" command and the "Auto Select All Contours" command.

(2)Direct command method. That is, at the command prompt, issue the "Expand Point" command and the "Select Point Contour" command or the "Auto Select All Contours" command.

4.3 The menu method executes the "rollout" command

Click the "rollout" command to open the rollout setting dialog box:

Click Browse to open the file dialog box:

Select File Open:

Click the "OK" button, and the result is as shown below:

4.4 The menu method executes the "Auto Select All Contours" command

Click "Automatically select all contour lines" to generate digital topographic map. The result is the same as that of the online version of "one-button topographic map".

Click the last command in the drawing, namely "one-button topographic map", which is actually the synthesis of the above two steps, and the generated digital topographic map is the same.

4.5 Direct command method to execute the "Unfold Point" command

Next, use the direct command method to "expand points" and then execute the "select point contour" command.

Create or open a clean dwg file, issue the "expand point" command at the command prompt, browse to the data file to open, and then click OK to get the expand point map. Then, issue the command "Select point contour":

Click "OK" to finish the exhibition.

4.6 Direct command method to execute the "Select point contour" command and local 3D DTM observation

Select a coordinate point and press Enter:

Issue the "Select point contour" command again, and then select a small point to enter:

You can also continue to issue the "Select Point Contour" command to continue to select points and draw local terrain. Here, only two local topographic maps are taken as examples. Here are the observations:

Turn off the "Frame" layer, "Grid" layer and "DTM" layer:

Turn off all layers and open only the "DTM" layer for 3D terrain observation. Two corresponding local digital terrain models are visible:

At this time, open the "curve counting" layer and the "first curve" layer:

Then open the "Elevation Point" layer, and you can see the nesting relationship between them:

4.7 Execute the "one-button topographic map" command

Its menu method and direct command method execute the "one-key topographic map" command, and the digital topographic map effect is the same as the network version, so it will not be repeated.

5 Examples of curves and slope lines

Show all layer diagrams:

After closing the three layers of "Border", "Grid" and "DTM":

The red line is the interval curve. There are several positive geomorphic slope lines and one negative geomorphic slope line in the figure. Enlarged below shows that one of the topographic maps can clearly see a negative geomorphic slope line, a positive geomorphic slope line and an inter-segment curve(red):

DTM of one observation direction in this example:

6 Examples of specific elevation contours

1350Elevation and 1360 elevation contours:

Zoom in on the lower left corner:











1 概述


本软件系统处理的点数没有限制,只与用户的计算机硬盘配置高低有关,配置越高处理的点数就越多,处理速度也越快。例如,就本软件系统的构网时间而言,在电脑主机为Intel i7-2600 CPU和8G内存、Windows8.1(64位)环境下,完成200万个点用时约为7分钟,10万个点用时约为13秒,1万个点用时约为1.4秒。请用户注意参考这组数据。











2 对数据文件的约定和要求

2.1 数据文件格式






2.2 保留高程点









3 网络版操作界面介绍

3.1 登录



3.2 使用默认设置


3.3 上传数据文件

3.4 提交

3.5 使用自定义设置











3.6 上传数据文件与提交





3.7 数字地面模型DTM三维立体观察








4 单机版操作界面介绍

4.1 主界面




4.2 设置与默认设置







4.3 菜单法执行“展点”命令





4.4 菜单法执行“自动全选等高线”命令



4.5 直接命令法执行“展点”命令




4.6 直接命令法执行“选点等高线”命令及局部三维DTM观察








4.7 执行“一键地形图”命令


5 间曲线、示坡线例子





6 特定高程等高线例子



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